
College, Career, Community Ready
Harlingen CISD created academies to provide a stepping stone for students interested in getting a head start on a career upon graduating from high school. HCISD provides students with choices to include 12 individualized academies -- the Apprenticeship Academy, Automotive Training Academy, Business Academy, Firefighter Academy, Health Science Academy, Information Technology Academy, Media Arts and Communications Academy, Natural Resources Academy, Pre-Engineering Academy, Pre-Law Academy, Pre-Veterinary Science Academy, and the Teacher Academy.
Each of the academies includes specific fields of study, or pathways, which afford students the ability to choose one that best fits their interests and passions from engineering and robotics to automotive technology. Within the student’s pathway of choice, HCISD teachers connect students with business professionals and experts in each of the 12 fields of study. Along with real-world experiences, career training, and certification opportunities, HCISD students enrolled in all of the academies graduate college, career, and community ready.
HCISD created this informational page to help students and parents collaborate on selecting a pathway. Course sequences, or classes, within the academies, begin as early as the 8th grade for some and start in 10th grade for others. Students and their campus counselors work together to ensure core classes and academy classes are completed concurrently. The academy classes are offered at all HCISD high schools.